Scribes, Scriveners, Speakers and just plain Writers!


Scribes, Scriveners and just plain writers
But what about the "speaking" part?
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But what about the "Speaking" part?



Spring 1967 "West Side Story/Romeo and Juliet" I played Tony

Oct. 1967 "Ramshackle Inn" I played Bill (male engenue)


10/73-10/77 COPYWRITER:

Wrote audio/video scripts and magazine advertisements for Group Insurance products.

Acted on various a/v presentations explaining benefits to employees of Group Insurance customers.

Spring 1977 Read the first chapter of The Screwtape Letters at an evangelistic event.

Dec. 1983 "The Gospel According to Scrooge": I played the charity volunteer and the "Angel" of Christmas past

March 1984 Wrote, directed & acted in "The Triumph", an Easter play

Summer 1984 Wrote, learned, directed & acted in many street skits.

Oct. 1984 Wrote, directed & acted in "Smuggler’s Ransom", a one-act play

Dec. 1984 Wrote, directed & acted in a short Christmas play

March 1985 Wrote, directed & acted in "Seven Hills", a one-act play

Summer 1985 Wrote, learned, directed & acted in many street skits.

Oct. 1985 Wrote, directed & acted in "No Alibis", a one-act play

Dec. 1985 Acted in "How Shall a King Come", A Christmas play

July 1991 Acted in "Toymaker and Son", a mime/drama designed for the street


Produced and hosted the product called "Renewal Audio Magazine"

Wrote, produced & spoke on audio tapes called "Visits"; Bible studies to help "baby" Christians lead home groups, or just witness to friends.

March 2000 Wrote, directed & acted in "Street Song", a one-act musical.


Though this job was being created as I did it, my main functions were writing audio & video scripts, directing and speaking on both, and finding new ways for churches to use cassette tapes to grow in numbers and effectiveness.

I created and spoke on a product called "Kingdom Concepts" a monthly cassette tape explaining Kingdom’s products and services; an "audio info-mercial". A new one is produced every month.

For the annual Christmas party, I would write, direct and act in such spoofs as "Pennsylvania Jones & the Lost Artifact", "The Starship Kingdom-prize", "Tape Wars" (Kingdom’s "bread-&-butter" product is blank cassette tapes) and "Lord of the Tapes".

I have also written, directed and acted in two Children’s Tapes about "Professor Theophilus", which are being sold by Kingdom Treasures.

July 2002 "A Midsummer Night’s Dream" I played Peter Quince

Aug. 2002 "South Pacific" I played the Professor

Oct 2002 "A Perfect 10" I played "David" in a 10 minute play

July 2003 "Little Shop of Horrors" I played Mushnik

Aug. 2003 "The Mikado" I played the title role, and was a chorus member in Act One.

1997-2002 Hosted events such as the Annual Christmas Party

July 2004 Led a three day event called "The Christ Encounter Weekend", requiring many moments of extemporaneous public speaking.

Currently: I am a regular speaker in two different churches, and I thoroughly enjoy public speaking.  The material does not have to be Christian, though I would refuse assignments lauding material such as "Humanist Manifesto", "I Ching", "The Koran" or "Deep Throat".


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