PARABLE ENTERPRISES Christian Fiction: on the edge, with an edge



Parables are, of course, stories.  A large part of the ministry of Christ Himself was telling stories, or parables, with a heavenly meaning.  I won't claim that the stories here are anywhere near those in significance or value, but I hope you will find enjoyment, edification, and perhaps even some enlightenment in these stories. 

Here's how the site works:

Browse to your heart's content.  Enjoy the samples of stories that are free.  If any of them appeal to you, send us either a lonesome buck (which is what all the shorter pieces cost) or a measly five bucks (which is the price for all the book-length material; less than a paperback!) and we'll send the complete piece to your email address upon request. 

Once you have the story, feel free to print it out so you can leave your computer and curl up in your bed or easy chair and enjoy!

God bless!

Steve Losee 

      I forget exactly where I read this, but in a review of someone else's work, C. S. Lewis said, "If to love Story is to love Life, I'm the greatest lover of Life!" 

      I know exactly how he felt.  I've always loved stories.  It didn't matter if they were in the form of television shows, movies, comics, anthologies or novels. 

      My salvation experience was while reading the New Testament; the Gospel of Matthew, to be specific.  While I knew even then that I was reading historical fact, it was the action and the people that pulled me in, and the Person of Christ, meeting the challenges and conflicts involved with His mission of redemption, that caused me to enlist in His service.

       For many years, Christian fiction was a creative wasteland.  Fortunately, that is changing.  On this site you'll find different genres for various age groups.  I hope you find something you like!


Christian fiction for all ages!
TO DIE AND LIVE, a novel
young adult:
"Tiu's Secret" a missionary fable
"It's Enough to Know" A Christmas fantasy
Family - Three Generations
c/o Steve Losee
150 St. Mary's St.
Blossburg, PA 16912-1333

Or e-mail:

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PARABLE ENTERPRISES * 150 St. Mary's St. * Blossburg, PA 16912