Here's a partial list of the places that have featured the writings of Steve and Eira Losee:
Equitable Life A\V Productions
The Family Forum (In-house literary magazine)
Scroll (missionary newsletter)
The Canton Independent Sentinel (newspaper) (archives page)
Kings of the Night (fantasy e-zine)
Winds of Fire (book and tape catalog)
Apollo's Lyre (e-zine)
Kingdom Inc. (Catalog-based electronics distributor -- This is NOT affiliated with the Jehovah's Witnesses)
Kingdom Treasures (home party plan. I wrote scripts for an audio product they sell.)
FUTURES Mysterious Anthology Magazine (FMAM)
Dragons, Knights and Angels (e-zine)
The Writers' Hood (e-zine)
Writer's Edge (literary service to expose books to publishers)
Discovery Trails (Sunday School take-home paper)
Writer's Page (e-zine)
Black Gate Adventures in Fantasy Literature (e-zine)