What is YOUR biggest "God" question? We don't promise to have the answer you need, but the dialogue ought to be
meaningful, right?
Dear Steve:
I know a lot of brainy-types, and they keep asking for scientific proof of God. Is there any?
Nyles Lishness
Hi, Nyles!
By the way, your name is very intriguing. Can you tell us where it comes from?
As far as your question is concerned, I hope you don't mind if I open it up to everyone who visits for a
while. I can give some answers, but most of them boil down to the limitations of scientific proof. for instance:
you can only prove something scientifically if it's observable and repeatable. Looking at it that way, proving God cannot
be done scientifically, since ("no man can see God and live" (Ex.33:20B). Evolution cannot be scientific, for the
same reason: it's not scientifically prove-able.
Hope this helps...and I'm looking forward to hearing other responses!
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